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The George Markoski Show

Sep 28, 2020

The dog with the nail in its but and why you should also avoid this
Ever heard of the dog who sat on a nail? Well, a dog and his owner were sitting in their garden. The dog was howling and barking in pain. The neighbour peeped over the fence and asked the owner why the dog was being so loud.
The owner replied "because he's sitting on a nail"
The neighbour then scoffs "then why doesn't your dog just move?"
The owner then says "because he's in enough pain to complain, but not in enough pain to do anything about it."
— The dog is a metaphor —
Anyone who's chronically complaining or being loud about their tough situation is the dog who's sitting on a nail. They're in enough pain to complain about it. Not in enough pain to do anything about it. Just be aware you're 100% in control of your current situation.
Don't like where your life is at?
Do something about it.
Tired of not having any money left over at the end of the week?
Do something about it.
Using property as the vehicle to create a passive income is the safest way to achieve this. Don't know how to go about investing in property? Talk to ppl who are where u want to be. Find real mentors with real life results. Don't know people who are where you want to be?
You're on Facebook lol 📷
It's never been easier to find people who have achieved what you want. I was 15 when I went to my first networking event to meet people who hit their goals. Do you know what the mentality is behind complaining, with out doing anything about it (aka sitting on a nail)?
Being in pain builds up anger/sadness.
That anger/sadness needs to go somewhere.
It's easier to release it by complaining vs. doing something about the pain. This incubates a victim mentality. It locks you into a loop where you'll do the exact same when the anger/sadness builds up again. Don't like sitting on a nail? Stand up. Take control of your financial future and get a plan to create more